Monday, May 17, 2010

"Is it wrong that I like this song?"

Quote Brian!

We are addicted to V - the music channel!

Haha... Right after this song they played R.E.M. "Everybody Hurts." Gotta love the random playlists :) It's so refreshing to hear everything mixed up. It's like inserting one of my mixed CD's at home. You never know what song to expect next...

Speaking of never knowing what to expect... then they played DubStars' "Stars." That was my favorite song in 11th grade of High School!!!! I  knew they were a UK band, and they didn't get alot of play in the States. I happened upon them by chance online while researching something for school... so it was cool when the song caught my ear while I was preparing my lessons for tomorrows class, and I actually got to see their music video. Made my night :)


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