Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When it rains...

it pours here. People say you can set your watch to it. I do not think we are at that point yet, but we do get the occasional storm every couple days. It's beautiful when it's just lighting storms over the ocean off in the distance. We are dreading riding the motorbike to work in the rain. Ugh.

Speaking of water related subjects...  Brian washing clothes in the bathroom...Tsunami Wave!

This past weekend while he was at Dive School, I decided to be Susie Homemaker and do the laundry. He was feeling a bit ill, and I had nothing else to do but plan lessons. I had a nice system - soak in the sink, rinse off in the tub, ring out on the side of the tub, hang on the drying racks out on our balcony. No mess or water all over the place. A long process but easy enough. Your fingers do start to ache. Makes you appreciate washing machines! or Jang downstairs :)

I went into the bathroom today to find my sacred stash of tampons soaked! It was like interviewing one of my kid's at school! He wouldn't confess. I had to use the phrase, "It wasn't like this when I left!" Still didn't confess...

Later he turned on the puppy dog face and uttered, "Babe, don't hate me," that I finally got it out of him. He thought he might have accidentally got it wet yesterday while washing his work pants.

Not 30 minutes after this confession did he proceed to wash another set of clothes. He was cursing about not having enough towels in the apartment, so I walked into the bathroom to help. He was on his hands and knees sopping up water. I dove under the sink to check on my corner of stuff. Sure enough, He took out my waxing kit and medicine kit! Urg that boy... kind of funny though because it totally proved what happened the prior day to my beloved tampons. Caught red handed!

I told him to let me do the laundry from now on! My items are all currently laid out on the table with the fan pointed at them. Fingers crossed.


clearlyashley said...

girl you make me laugh, do you want me to snail mail you a box of tampons from costco?

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