Friday, July 2, 2010

Going to the Movies

Emily saved the day. After having a delicious sushi dinner, we planned on seeing Eclipse. When we finally made it to the theater the only show time left was in First Class which costs 600 baht a ticket! Though I'm sure it's very nice, we didn't budget for that much. I was moppy because I really wanted to see the movie. We were just about to leave when Emily said one started at Midnight! I am not used to military time. When I saw 0:00 I figured it meant no more showtimes... Wrong. YAY for Emily realizing we still had time. We killed an hour by walking on the beach. The mall is the largest beach front mall in Asia.

You pay for the level of "class" you want at the movies here. Sorta like on an airplane. You also pick your seats when you buy your ticket. There's no rush or waiting aimlessly in line to get good seats. The cheaper seats are closer to the screen and are 120 baht...the ones in the back are 150 baht. The seats are so comfortable. They all recline. The ones in the back are like love seats and fit 2 people. They also have little tables.

In Thailand they play the national anthem and you have to stand in respect to the king. I always read about it, but completely forgot. Cool experience.


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